The Parochial Church Council (PCC) oversee all aspects of the life and work of St Peter’s Church, including our worship, our service and outreach to the local community, our children’s work, the finances and fabric of the church and any new initiatives.

The PCC comprises clergy serving at St Peter’s, churchwardens, and elected members of the congregation. Members are elected for a three year term at our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM). People are eligible to stand for two three-year terms before they must have a break.

Elected PCC members: Joan Bailes, Judy Bastin, Michael Daniell, Mary Easton, Bill Edwards, Alessandra Ferrari, Steve Goddard, Ellen Hudspith, Caroline Pepys, Stephen Purbrick, Jack Sobey

Ex-officio: Shei Crowther, William Whyte (all Clergy),  Tony Lemon (Lay Minister), Chantal Gewers (Churchwarden), Edward Wates (Churchwarden)

All elected and ex officio members have full voting rights and are registered as Trustees with the Charity Commission.

Attending: Viv Bridges & Jo Coney (both non-voting), Sarah Pepys & Val Tate (Deputy Churchwardens), Maggie Hamilton (Secretary), Carol Kimberley (Interim Children and Families Worker), Sarah Pepys (Safeguarding Officer), Sue Cope (Deputy Safeguarding Officer), Kevin Minns (Fabric & Finance Committee), Christopher Fletcher-Campbell ( Treasurer & Deanery Synod), Mary Horwitz (URC Representative)

Representatives on other Committees

Communications Group: Val Tate
SW Partnership Enabling Group: Vicar, Churchwardens
Cutteslowe Enabling Group: Beth Knowles
Churches Together in North Oxford (CTNO): vacant
Mission Giving Committee: Diana Clews, Michael Daniell, Kay Cooper
Electoral Roll Officer – Val Tate
GDPR Data Compliance Officer – Val Tate
Partnership Enabling Group - Val Tate
Village Hall Committee representative – vacant
Stewardship Recorder – Roddy Eatock Taylor
Cashiers – Rosemary Williams and Caroline Pepys

Meetings: The PCC meets a minimum of four times a year to discuss church business. Minutes are available on the notice board at the back of the church.

Annual Parochial Church Meeting is open to all on the electoral roll. The last meeting was 30 April 2023.

Click here to download the Summertown-Wolvercote Partnership 2022 report.