St Peter's Church, Wolvercote

St Peter's Wolvercote


St Peter’s publishes information about opportunities for worship and prayer, events and activities, from St Peter’s Wolvercote, the Wolvercote community and churches of the Summertown Wolvercote Wytham Church Partnership (SWWCP). The Messenger is an extended newsletter, with Editorial, published monthly. The Flying Goose is distributed quarterly to over 3000 homes across the Parish.

Weekly church notices

Our notices are printed weekly on a Thursday and distributed in church on a Sunday morning. The latest edition is also available for download here. Notices for inclusion should be sent to by 6.00pm Tuesday evening.

The Messenger

A monthly news round up published on the first Sunday of the month. It also includes church notices for that week. Download the Messenger for December 2024. The next Messenger will be in December. Send contributions - news of events etc - to The Editor (Val Tate) at for the 10 Jan 2024 edition by 12:00 noon Tuesday 7 January 2024.

The Flying Goose

Our quarterly magazine is a resource for all local community groups to share news of activities and events. It is published four times a year and distributed free to 3,000 homes in the parish. Click here to view the online September 2024 issue. The next issue will be published in November. The copy deadline is Wed 16 October. Submit your articles online.

To amend the Directory, email Editor Piero Stallo. For advertising enquiries, contact Sarah Pepys: tel 07931664034