St Peter's Church, Wolvercote

St Peter's Church Wolvercote

Vision and mission 

Our PCC agreed our purpose and mission priorities in September 2022. You can see these here, and summarised below. We use these as a regular benchmark against which to measure where our resources and energies are going as a church. 

Our purpose  

Here in Wolvercote and Wytham, we exist to love God and to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We express this though our gathering in worship, caring for one other, and serving our parish and world. 

Our values

We share and play our own part in the Diocese of Oxford’s vision to be a more Christ-like Church for the sake of God’s world: more contemplative, more compassionate and more courageous. Within this vision, we aspire to the following values:

Rooted: we are rooted a loving God. This informs the way we behave to one another and we seek to be a community of loving kindness.

Inclusive: we offer a place of belonging for anyone who wants it. This informs our welcome and our activity.

Creative: we are confident in our traditions, and our honouring of the past gives us confidence to embrace the future creatively. We are keen to explore what it means to be a parish church and followers of Jesus in our contemporary context.

Community-facing: we believe in God who sends his Son into the world. We are committed to finding where God is at work and joining in.

Our mission priorities

We are working on the following four areas as priorities for our activity. More detail can be found on these in our vision document, referenced above. 

St Peter's Church Wolvercote
  • St Peters Church Wolvercote Parish Office
  • Oxford
  • Oxfordshire
  • OX2 8AQ
01865 452164
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St Peter's Wolvercote is a charity registered in England and Wales as "The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of St Peter's Church Wolvercote" number 1138106.